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May 9, 2020

The BEST Ab Exercises to Reduce Back Pain


We are excited to invite you to our first Virtual Abs Academy. We want to take time to instruct you how to safely and effectively complete ab workouts/exercises that create a strong core. Many of the common ab exercises we do can be good for strengthening, but if we load the joints wrong, can lead to injury or overcompensation of muscles causing pain or imbalances. WHICH LEADS TO PAIN.

What You Will Get: ($200 VALUE!!)

  • What to do to train your core effectively with YouTube links to video demonstrations
  • Pictures of good vs. bad forms of ab workouts to follow
  • Calendar of workouts to follow weekly
  • Video presentation of how the core truly work, why you need core stability and stiffness for injury prevention and athletic performance
  • Live Q&A via Zoom for follow-up, questions, concerns

Event details:

The Abs Academy: The Best Ab Exercises To Reduce Back PainWhen: LIVE Q&A IN Late June, Exact Date TBD

Where: Via Zoom/Playback Video Link we send you.

How to Join:Please fill this information out to the best of your knowledge. Pay through the payment option below and hit "submit." You should receive a registration confirmation shortly after. EARLY BIRD PRICING GOOD THROUGH MAY 26TH.Thanks.Anna Woods, ACE C-PT, BMES, FAS, CFL1 ( Jared Shoemaker, DC InMotion Spine Muscle Joint (



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