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June 23, 2022

IDEA World Personal Trainer of the Year Finalist

My Journey: Part 1

Earlier this year I was encouraged to apply for IDEA World PTOY, by my business mentor, Luke, through Fitness Revolution. I combed through the application and the process of being chosen and immediately felt like I wasn't going to have enough "sparkles and fluff" to be chosen.

I mean, for real, I train clients in a barn in the middle of Kansas. Haha! Nothing like what previous award winners and nominees have done in their careers--these were people I looked up too over my career span--there was NO WAY I could compete. Names such as Todd Durkin, Brett Klika, Douglas Brooks, Leslee Bender, Rachel Cosgrove, etc.

But after hard conversations within my own head, I went ahead to begin the process of collecting and documenting my years of experience, certifications, newspaper articles, testimonials, community service projects, youth development, my courses I've designed for people with special needs, and so on. As I started working through it, I realized I have collected quite a file of experience since 2003.

After collecting data, I had to go through the questionnaire and interview-style process of sharing my thoughts, theories, beliefs, and goals with the personal training industry.

  • Question 1: Characterize the professional and
    ethical standards to which you adhere, your personal mission and your
    goals for the future of the personal training industry.

"My personal mission for the future of the personal training industry is to change the name of the game for trainers to lead from a place of vulnerability, authenticity, and visibility. This would mandate a shift away from influencers promoting perfectionism and quick fixes and enthusiasts with little to no education. People today generate lasting impressions based on what they see, so we as trainers must show up in real ways, in the gaps of people’s days to demonstrate how we personally pursue lifelong fitness..."

I am proud and grateful to have built my business upon a foundation of hard work, passion, and authenticity. I firmly believe I have done this by relentlessly showing up in real life for those around me—demonstrating simple steps to approach fitness, showing young women it is okay to be strong, celebrating a motherhood that isn’t defined by self-neglect, and leading from a place of vulnerability. I always grant people access to the real (often unglamorous) me. I coach from a place of intuitiveness and let my instincts lead me to check in on clients via social media, to let them work out in silence some days, to get loud when they need it, or to embrace them in a hug when they walk in the door. Rather than merely emphasizing performance standards and weight loss goals, I want the people I train to feel empowered to listen to their bodies and pursue true health...

Part 2 coming soon..

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