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June 15, 2022

A New Generation of Strength

For Doris Dreiling, Anna Woods was a familiar face from prior years of her girls and Anna going to school together. However, her depth, skill and workout programs came to Doris as quite the pleasant surprise.

Like most followers and participants, Doris found Anna online, via a shared post on social media.

“I had known Anna was back in the area, however, I had not paid much attention to what she was doing, so when I saw the post I was both happily surprised and gently nudged to reach out,” explains Doris on how she came to connect with Anna’s sheStrength community.

Now Doris was no stranger to working out or strength training and has even utilized a personal trainer at different times, but due to her busy schedule, hours at a gym just wasn’t realistic.

This is why the sheStrength app workouts fit her perfectly, initially.

“Having the flexibility to fit these workouts in my day was exactly what I was needing, and I loved that I was supporting a local trainer. The versatility of the program hit all aspects of strength training I was hoping to get, but I still wanted more so I decided to schedule one-on-one sessions at her barn.”

See that’s kind of Anna’s secret sauce, you get to her barn gym sessions, experience the one-on-one training and it’s a game changer.

For Doris she saw a major difference in Anna’s approach to training. “She makes sure you are doing all the lifts and exercises correctly. Other trainers I worked with were all about the weights and how fast you could add more weight. If anything, Anna is the opposite, however when I learned how to breathe and do the lift properly, I was amazed how fast I made strides and increased my weight. She understands all aspects of fitness. From the health benefits to proper form.”

Now that Doris has experienced the benefits of sheStrength, she gets to share her workout community with her grandchildren, and pass this love of strength training on to them as the sheStrength program has expanded to include weight lifting basics for kids and teens.

“I am super blessed to have this very knowledgeable, young lady as a trainer and friend. She keeps me feeling young and I know she genuinely cares about how my body is doing. Anna is that constant learner who always wants to bring new excitement and creativity to her clients, and I now love watching her bring that energy and passion to my grandchildren too.”

Story written by: Jessica Flax,

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