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April 8, 2020

Talk20 Hutch: Journey to sheSTRENGTH Woods' journey to sheSTRENGTH: She was lost in the depths of motherhood, guilt, and lack of self-worth until someone gave me permission to be herself. It was okay to make time for her goals, her dreams, her life. And through training clients with Down Syndrome, to adopting her son with Down Syndrome, going from 1 child to 3 in 1 year...while also completely changing her approach to her health and fitness ... she developed her own version of strength she now calls sheSTRENGTH.----------------------------Talk20: Talk20 Hutch is a gathering of people and ideas in Hutchinson, Kansas. Each January and July, ten community members each get to show 20 images, and speak for only 20 seconds per slide.

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