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April 8, 2020

Strong, Worthy, Enough with Anna Woods-Podcast Interview

coaching fitness barn gym

My full-interview with Strength Outside the Box Podcast-->"Get ready to meet your new girl crush! Anna Woods is someone we have been watching (and crushing on) from afar on social media for a few months now, so we were fangirling pretty hard when she agreed to carve some time out of her busy schedule to chat with us. She is a mom of three, former CrossFit Regionals athlete, barn gym trainer, and genius behind the program sheSTRENGTH. sheSTRENGTH is an online community she designed to support, encourage, and empower women in all areas of life. In this episode, we get the low down on the sheSTRENGTH program, the surprising key step that most folks overlook when shifting priorities, the significance of the phrase "I am enough," how and why we have to stop comparing ourselves to others, and then get super geeky on Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization. This episode is filled with so much goodness. Once you listen you will understand why we left the conversation loving her even more!"LISTEN TO FULL PODCAST HERE:sheSTRENGTH: Strong, Worthy, Enough with Anna Woods

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