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September 17, 2019

She Strength Warriors - September 2019


SheStrength Approach Has Your Back

Realtor Traci Ratzlaff knows a thing or two about working hard and being disciplined, especially when life throws you a curveball. But it was the curvature in her spine, scoliosis, that kept her from achieving her fitness goals--at least before she met Lifestyle Coach and Personal Trainer Anna Woods of SheStrength.[porto_blockquote]“I have scoliosis, with three curves in my spine. I only naturally develop muscle on one side of my back, and it pulls me out of alignment,” said Traci. “But that’s not the original reason I sought Anna’s help. It was the standard, ‘I’m fat and I want to lose weight.’ This journey has taken me so far beyond that mindset though.”[/porto_blockquote]Through mutual connections and friends on Facebook, Traci started learning more about Anna and the SheStrength approach.“I just knew we’d get along, and I was right. My first interaction with her was so real and genuine, and I just didn’t feel like I was in a normal gym with all the preconceived notions and feelings that go along with that.”

Back to Basics

Though Traci’s initial goal was to lose weight, she began to see other benefits that came along with the SheStrength approach--focusing on proper alignment and technique, all while customizing movements to each individual’s abilities.“I was gaining strength, but more importantly, for the first time in my life, I was gaining stability. My hip wasn’t going out of place! I’m healthier, and not just in a pants-size way. I’ve been going to the chiropractor since middle school, and now I don’t have to go as much.”So what does Traci’s chiropractor think about losing a little business thanks to Traci’s less frequent visits?“My chiropractor loves it. He’s happy for me and the better quality of life I’m going to have. He knows my spine very well, and has seen my ability to develop muscles in places I never have before.”

Time for Traci

So how does a successful realtor and busy mother find time to work fitness into her routine? She makes it a priority.“My back challenges are hard to overcome, but they weren’t my biggest struggles to overcome trying to get fit. Time was my biggest obstacle. Being self-employed, it can be all-consuming. I’m used to blocking out time for work, but I had to realize it was okay to not be working too. I had to realize I’m worth blocking out time for.”Not only does Traci take time for herself to work out with Anna during her classes every week, but it also pulls double duty as time with her friends“As a busy working adult, you don’t have time with your friends. But several of my friends have joined SheStrength, and we work out in a class together. It’s our time.”Another activity Traci enjoys with her friends is hiking. Her newfound strength, stability and stamina make it even more enjoyable. “I’m able to hike much more comfortably now, without sucking so much wind. I’m much more pain-free! I’m keeping up with friends 15 years younger than me!”[porto_testimonial view="default"]Even Traci’s children and parents have been inspired by her fitness journey, and have joined her on the path to wellness. “My youngest daughter has started working out, along with my 62-year-old mother, who’s never worked out before in her life! We only get one chance to live this life, and for me, I sure want to feel the best I can feel each day I’m here. I don't’ want to just drag along and survive, I want to thrive. It’s what I want for my kids too.”[/porto_testimonial]

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