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January 27, 2020

She Strength Warriors - Jan 2020


Busy Mom Spends Less Time Exercising, Sees More Improvement

Lisa Goetz has been lifting weights and leading an active lifestyle for more than three decades, but she realized there was still more to learn.

“I was looking for something that worked better with my schedule. The Crossfit classes I was going to were great, but my children’s activity schedules made it harder and harder to attend. A friend of mine and two co-workers both recommended the SheStrength app, so I thought I would give it a try.”

Although Lisa originally started using the app for at-home workout convenience, she quickly noticed a difference in the way she was used to working out, and the way personal trainer and strength coach Anna Woods approached weight lifting.“I’ve been lifting weights since I was 14. I thought I knew what I was doing. But through Anna’s coaching, I realized that my form could use a lot of improvement. I had no idea how poor my technique was until I started working with her.”Lisa worked out in person with Anna a handful of times, and since then has used the app’s program regularly. She takes videos of herself and uploads them for feedback.“I’ve been working out with SheStrength for a year now, and I can’t believe how much stronger I am. And I’m spending less time working out! I used to think I had to be at the gym for 2 hours, and I had trainers who’ve told me 20 minutes wasn’t worth my time. Now? I can fit in short bursts of exercises throughout my day and get better results doing it. That’s what I love.”Lisa works as a nurse, and also has two busy young children who participate in extracurricular activities.“I even took my kids to go see Anna and learn the proper way to lift while they’re young, instead of decades later like I did. It could save them from a lot of injuries.”Lisa’s two children enjoyed the training session and quickly absorbed the techniques--though it didn’t seem like her son was paying attention.“I loved how Anna worked with the kids, and she realized, though I couldn’t tell, that my son was listening even though he seemed disinterested. As it turns out, he heard every word she said and started implementing the techniques right when we got home.”Lisa’s daughter has also benefited from the lesson, and it’s improved the way she approaches one of her favorite hobbies.“The things she learned about lifting and proper form, we saw carry over into her horseback riding. You know, babies and kids naturally know how to move their bodies, if they haven’t been ‘taught,’ they do it right. But so much of what they’ve learned is wrong.”Lisa’s kids have also learned that when mom is working out, they’d better keep out.“Working out is my me-time. It’s when I unwind. So I tell the kids that somebody had better be dying for them to interrupt me. If I have to drop my barbell for WWIII, it’s not going to be pretty!”With three children of her own, Anna Woods understands how hectic a mom’s life can be, and that’s why she’s designed her program to meet the needs of real, and really busy, women.

“I can’t say enough good things about Anna. She’s such a good person and such an amazing coach. Her passion for wanting to empower women--I love that! And she’s an amazing role model and so positive. She has kids, she gets it. She’s super busy, and she’s trying to say, this is doable!”

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