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February 28, 2020

She Strength Warriors - Feb 2020


Crossfit Fan Avoids Injury with SheStrength

To achieve maximum fitness results, one must train harder, faster and for longer amounts of time, right? Or is there a better way? Brooke Young had reached a crossroads in her crossfit career, and had a decision to make: to keep doing what she was doing, or try something new.[porto_blockquote]“I was really tired of feeling like I had to lift these heavy weights constantly. The prospect of getting hurt was very real. I had shoulder problems, my lower back would hurt and I worried it was going to tear my body apart. Then, I would have to take a long break, and I might not like those results. So I decided to try working out with Anna Woods and SheStrength.”[/porto_blockquote]Brooke was drawn to the SheStrength approach, that it’s better to establish proper form and maximize movements rather than only focus on gains. She was also looking for more nutrition coaching.

Healthy Food a Family Affair

“I saw Anna was big into nutrition. I wanted some help in this area, because after three kids and hitting 40, your metabolism stops. At least it did for me. And I was tired of trying to wrap my mind around all of the nutrition fads. I’m an intelligent person but that is not my specialty.”Through working with Anna on keeping a food diary, Brooke was able to relax her stringent requirements, and still see results. Her family, including three children ages 5, 11 and 14, couldn’t be happier.“My family is relieved that I don’t try to shove weird foods down their throats anymore. I’ll incorporate regular potatoes instead of just sweet potatoes, and I’m allowing there to be a wider variety. They’re happier that I’ve learned that I can eat what my husband calls ‘normal’ food--he appreciates that I don’t try to mix everything with cabbage anymore!”These nutritional changes are the only thing Brooke’s family appreciates though.

Finding Fitness Together

Brooke used to work out from five to six a.m. every morning, and while it’s good to focus on your health, she sometimes wished she didn’t have to pursue fitness separately from her family.“I used to think I had to work out as hard as I can, as fast as I can and lift as much as I can. Now, Anna helps me see it’s a lot of little things throughout the day. Do some squats when you get up to go to the bathroom. Do some pushups against the sink,” said Brooke. “And my kids love going to do smaller workouts with me. We go to the track, do a little running, and do burpees and jump roping, as opposed to ‘It’s five in the morning, I'm going to the gym to lift heavy weights and you can’t come.’”And although she’s seen improvement in strength and more balanced nutrition, Brooke is most grateful for what she calls a “non-scale victory.”[porto_testimonial view="default"]“I really can’t stress enough that what I got out of working with Anna the most is a different mindset on fitness and nutrition. You can do little things that can add up to be big things. You don’t have to run a marathon--you can be happier with the progress you’re making. Her passion is so evident, and it makes you appreciate knowing that there's people like that out there.”[/porto_testimonial]

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