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October 17, 2020

Reduce Your Expectations snippet of truth we shared with our 21-Day Unstoppable Strength online accountability group, last week. We have this perception of perfection and how we envision our fitness and health goals to look and be. And then they change, or something changes and we feel like we are failing—and we quit instead of pivoting. Let’s be better at pivoting. Drop your expectations of a fake reality and live with each moment, adjusting and changing to remain consistent. ——-It doesn't always go as we planned, in fact, it never goes as we planned. So we have to be better at being flexible--letting go. Doing what we can. When we can. WE define our fitness journeys, no one else does. So make it yours, your own way.For more information about our next Unstoppable Strength Challenge, read more here: Unstoppable Strength: A 21-Day Challenge

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