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July 25, 2020

A Day at the Barn Gym the past month, women have been challenged through the sheSTRENGTH Bootcamp series of workouts. We have mimicked sled pushes, sled pulls, heavy sandbag carries, sandbag throws, at my barn gym and also at home. I showed my virtual clients how to create make-shift sandbags and sleds using bands and bodyweight, or other household items to still get a good workout. One day a week, the ladies participating in my group loaded a bookbag full of towels and 5-10# weights and went for a ruck walk for 20 minutes, to get fresh air and build core strength in new ways.Some women were creative enough to use their livestock for heavy sled pulls, towels or sheets in door frames to mimic rope climbs. I'm so proud of how hard everyone is working! These gals show up weekly and make time for themselves, proving their health is important for themselves and those around them.For more information about joining the sheSTRENGTH movement, visit:

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