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April 12, 2020

1 Band+1 Dumbbell

[embed][/embed]1 Dumbbell and 1 Band is all you need. Attach your band to the handle of the dumbbell and cup the dumbbell in your hands. Step your feet inside the bottom corners of the band, standing up tall to stretch out the resistance band for tension. Slowly step side to side and forward and backward, not letting the band pull you forward or your feet together quickly.Slowly step side to side and forward and backward, not letting the band pull you forward or your feet together quickly.For another great leg day workout idea, check out: is an online fitness program/mobile app/in-person fitness trainer/coach for women all over the world. Women login daily for accountability, visual coaching, workout demo's, and a community for support and comfort.To find out more, follow sheSTRENGTH at:Fb: IG: @shestrengthWebsite:

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