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October 27, 2019

Snapshot of the LIVE! sheSTRENGTH Classes at the Barn Gym

[embed][/embed]A night at the barn.What it's like inside my classes I coach at my barn and online through sheSTRENGTH LIVE! -----------------I coach women at my barn gym in Central Kansas 3 days a week. I meet with women 1-1 or in small groups at my 2 office locations, as well. These sessions are scheduled by appointment only. Women ages 16-79 join me weekly to complete workouts at their ability, strength, and intensity ALL at the same time, pushing each other, and having fun! But getting a good workout in all the same.------To find out more, check out: Follow sheSTRENGTH at: Instagram: @shestrength Facebook: @shestrength by Anna Woods Fitness Website: YouTube:

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