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September 19, 2020

sheSTRENGTH Lady Athletes ARE KILLING it!

These sheSTRENGTH lady athletes are KILLING it!!

I have had the AMAZING opportunity the past week and weekend to watch these young ladies compete in the sports they love. We work weekly on making each of them better athletes inside and out, to be able to compete like they are, at the top of their game.


I am so proud of them both, and consider it a huge gift that they allow me to be a part of their individual strength journeys, every week.





3 different sports that have required different approaches to their strength and conditioning the past few months. We've focused on good movement, reducing chances of injury, and building strength and power on top of those 2 things.


To inquire about joining these gals at my gym spaces in either Maize, KS or Buhler, KS, visit: train via satellite/video and through my sheSTRENGTH App, visit:

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