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July 25, 2019

She Strength Warriors - July 2019


Single Mom Finds Strength Within

Mothers: we invest so much of ourselves in others, that we bury our own needs, desires and self-worth in the process. But Whitney, a single mom from south-central Kansas, has found a way to fight her way back into her own life--and she wants to encourage others.[porto_blockquote]“My entire life I’ve been focused on other people, my son or family, and I was finally ready to work on me. I’m important too. My prior relationships took away all of my self-worth."[/porto_blockquote]Whitney’s journey is powerful, but it wasn’t instantaneous. The most noble accomplishments rarely are. They take time but are worth the climb--something personal trainer, nutrition and life coach Anna Woods of SheStrength knows well.“I got to know Anna through mutual friends on Facebook. Her business page posts started showing up in my feed. We became Facebook friends, and I messaged her a few times, testing the water. I tried to tell myself I could do this on my own, but after a few attempts with other exercise classes and trainers, I knew there was a lot more to it.”Drawn to Anna’s real-life strategies and holistic approach, Whitney decided it was time--after two years of consideration.“I liked how relatable she is, and how open she is about the struggles of balancing daily life, juggling kids and work, and the things a normal person deals with every day. I knew she could help me accomplish my goals in a way that fit my lifestyle.”For Whitney, her journey is less about hitting some magical number on a scale, and more about rediscovering the magic within---her own potential.[porto_blockquote]“I needed accountability and structure, and someone to help me through the emotional aspects. It’s not just diet and exercise, but Anna helps turn my negativity into positivity. It’s an entire mindset and she helps me work through those issues that are holding me back."[/porto_blockquote]One challenge Whitney has worked hard to overcome is emotional eating--something seldom addressed by the mainstream fitness industry, but something that the majority of people strugglewith during stressful circumstances.“Anna introduced me to the concepts of Brene Brown, and how to set boundaries not only around harmful people in my life, but harmful foods and habits.”While Whitney has experienced a dramatic improvement in her health and wellbeing, she isn’t the only one who’s benefited.“My son is 11, and he’s more active now too. We spend a lot of time cooking together, and doing meal prep. It’s awesome to be able to bring him and I both on this journey and instill those healthy choices for life.”Armed with a renewed sense of confidence and self-worth, Whitney found herself lacking something else very important in life--a well-fitting wardrobe.“My initial goal was to lose 50 pounds in 6 months, but I lost 60 pounds in 4.5 months. One day, my boss told me to leave work early--and go and buy some new clothes!”Whitney’s story is very inspiring for other women who are on their way to reclaiming their own lives.[porto_testimonial view="default"]“I would definitely recommend Anna’s services and SheStrength to anyone looking to make positive lifestyle changes. She is so relatable and very supportive. Whatever stage of your journey that you’re in, whether it’s weight loss or starting with emotional goals, she provides a well-rounded experience, and tailors it to where you’re at in your journey.”[/porto_testimonial]

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